Clenbuterol HCL E.P. 60 MCG Tablets U.S.P.
KLENGET is used by athletes and bodybuilders for it’s ability to help lose fat by allowing your body to release and burn more stored fat. KLENGET has beenKlenget 40 mcgused for literally decades in the foreign veterinary world, 
for increasing the lean yield of livestock.

KLENGET often just called Clen, was originally create as a bronchodilator. It works in a similar way as ephedrine. Unlike ephedrine which is out of the body in a few hours, KLENGET lasts for days. It will not interrupt sleep and has more mild side effects. KLENGET greatly increases metabolic activity which increases your body temperature due to increased cellular heat. By increasing metabolic activity you increase the rate in-which fat is used for energy. WhileKlenget 60 mcgall will experience an increase in core temperature followed by an increase in metabolic activity, appetite suppression through KLENGET use will affect everyone differently.

Suggested Dosage and Administration
200 mcg daily
5 Blister of 10 Tablets each in One Mono Cartoon



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